

Alpaca Steve

-Because people love companies with animal mascots.



Lavelle Enterprises

Feel free to email us or give us a call to schedule your next window cleaning appointment. We strive to arrive on time every time and when we are running late we always give the courtesy of a phone call. Begin your free estimate by filling out the form or perhaps purchase a gift card for a loved one.


In dealing with Rain, we typically prefer to wait till day of appointment when making decisions on rescheduling, due to Indiana Weather…so let us know if you would prefer a sunnier day. Otherwise, should it be raining and we have not made contact we will be giving you a jingle day of service. Please do not remove drapery, or move furniture in preparation for our visits, we prefer to work around obstacle courses and do the hard work for you. : ) This process helps folks stay happier in the event of weather delays. We know you want your windows cleaned, know we want to clean em! But we all gotta deal with the weather. For safety and quality, we simply cannot offer service in the Rain, ice, or as snow falls. Thanks for your understanding.

(on occasion our collective schedules may need us to take care of inside work on these off-weather days. We can work with you if you'd prefer to do a split service. But as a rule, we prefer to accomplish all window cleaning tasks in one go for quality purposes. This is especially true in the case of storm window jobs, we must have a clear day for this work to be completed.)