By the Windows (all services limited to 3 stories)

Casement Windows: $5.00 per window ($2.75 outside only)

Double Hung $7.00 per window ($3.75 outside only)

Storm Windows: $7- 20$ per window ( $2.50-5 outside only no-take apart) 

Divided Pane Windows: $8-$15 per window ( $3.50 - 7 outside only) 

Divided Pane Storm Windows: $10-$20 per window 

Minimum Charge $150 in and out ($75 outside only)



Mirrors: $5-$15 depending on size

Fan Cleaning: $5 per fan 

Hose off screens: $2-3 per screen

Light bulb Change: $3 per light

Clean lights: $5 per light

Chandelier: $15-$25 depending on size

Gutter Cleaning price varies depending on the difficulty and amount of debris. We do not fully wash and clean gutters we remove obstructions such as leaf decay from your gutter pathways allowing rainwater to pass through them as intended. We already have the ladders up it is no problem to help at the same time as your window cleaning. Let us know if you have special instructions for your gutters and we will be happy to discuss our ability to accommodate your needs.


Respect for your home or workplace is always top of mind. We wipe down the wooden inserts, and inside screens and do a courtesy window seal clean as part of our service. We take off our shoes and utilize drop cloths to protect your valuables and carpets.  Additional fees are only to be applied with associated window cleaning beyond our minimum charges. The men and women who work with Lavelle Enterprises are trained professionals and have been instructed to always keep safety top of mind, if there is an issue of safety we will make you aware of it, we ask that you respect our workers and keep in mind if there is a way we can accomplish your project we will. But for us, everyone getting home safe is of our highest priorities. Thanks for supporting our mom-and-pop shop!